Wedebrand a soldiers name

Wedebrand (Wederbrand) was a soldiers name.
The military system in Sweden during the 1800th -1900th century was organized
in such a way that each "rote" (a minior part of a parish) hade to keep a soldier.
In this "rote" they kept a soldier and four miltary riders. They were livgrenadjär
Livgrenadjärer (soldiers on horse). They belonged to Överste Löjtnantens Company.

The farmers had to support him with food, land and a house.
The soldiers often had common names as Andersson, Svensson and Jonsson. When the company got together there were too many soldiers with the same surname. The solution was to give them new names to separate one soldier
from another. They got name as Granat, Rask, Palm etc.or names associated to the name of the place where they lived. Like Wedhem. Wedebrand was such a name. The children of soldiers sometimes used the soldiername sometimes not. When the soldier resign from his duty he sometimes kept the name sometimes not. He had to move out from the house to give place to the next soldier.
The new soldier moved in and sometimes was given the previos soldiers name. In Vedemo rote there was another 4 soldiers

As far as we know there are five soldiers given the name Wedebrand all in Vinnerstad parish. They were:

Name                           Lived             Soldier              Soldier          Company           Rote
                                                          between             No
Sven Jönsson Wedebrand 1684 - ? 1707 - 1739 103 Öv Löjtn Vedemo
Sven Larsson Wedebrand 1718 - 1790 1740 - 1775 103 Öv Löjtn Vedemo
Pär Larsson Wedebrand 1698 - 1742 ? - 1721 24 Motala Torfsäter
1721 - >1743 27 Motala Vedemo
Lars Persson Wedebrand 1725 - 1759 1748 - 1759 27 Motala Vedemo
Lars Wedebrand 1742 -1807 1766 - ? 24 Motala Vedemo

They were likely not all related. Maybe some.

The children of Sven Larsson Wedebrand have kept the surename. Allthought the spelling of the name sometimes have been changed among the 8-10 following generations (Wedebrand, Wederbrand, Wedebrant, Vedebrand, Vederbrand) The descendants of most of the children to Sven Larsson Wedebrand are documented.

More swedish soldiers

Within the coming generations there are more soldiers:  
Name                           Lived             Soldier           Soldier             Company        Rote                 Parish
                                                          between             No
Otto Wedebrand-Palm 1855 - 1890 1872 - 1890 792 Kållands Silleberg Rackeby
August Wilhelm Wedebrand-Hög, 1865 - 1931 1886 - 1920 800 Kållands Strötorp Strö
Malakias Wedebrand-Grönqvist 1852 - 1930 1874 - 1906 812 Kållands Led Gösslunda
Jonas Larsson-Rask 1818 - 1846 1841 - 1846 814 Kållands Finneboda Gösslunda
Anders Johansson-Wederbrand 1823 - 1874 1847 - 1874 814 Kållands Finneboda Gösslunda
Clas Johan Wedebrand-Säfström 1847 - 1912 1867 - 1884 865 Kållands Sävare Sävare
Claes Wedebrand-Spjut 1788 - 1846 Kållands Strö


Soldiers in USA

Searching the descendants in USA we find Wedebrand people attending both WWI and WWII.

brevlåda posta  
I you have any question about the Swedish roots please contact Pieter van den Berg, or Mats Lundell
You are allso welcome to write in our  guestbook  

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